
Friday, June 15, 2007

15 June 2007

I'm going to try to add something to this blog from time to time. I've always found it difficult because I find it hard enough listening to myself -- why would anyone want to listen in? Plus I've found that blogs seem to get people into trouble, or cause them to edit their own thoughts. It's a stupid way to view honesty, as something that either doesn't exist or as something that (inadvertently or not) upsets people. But anyway.

Today I'm using this as a chance to distract myself from the fact that we are trying to sell as many of our things as possible tomorrow at a yard sale. We're moving in August, and neet to get rid of things. So we're starting early, mostly because there's so much to get rid of. It's amazing how much stuff one can cram into the nooks and crannies around them. If you happen to see this there are a lot of books being let go cheap!

I've also been reading about Thermopylae, which is fascinating, beautiful and terrifying all at once. I think it has something to do with the symbol Spartan culture presents for me in relation to the current state of affairs in the world at large. And no, I haven't seen the movie. Any of them.

good things